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Resurrection Episode Logs

Season 1 (11/2018 - present)

Season 1
11/2018 -

Episode 1.1.1: Resurrection

Rura Penthe

The year is 2394. Seven years have passed ever since the dissolution of Shadow Operations. Growing tensions within the galaxy have prompted Starfleet to reinstate Shadow Operations and have assigned to them a new ship of its class, the USS Resurrection.


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Star Trek Shadow Operations was created by Gary Gould owned the ©1996-2003  until 5/4/03. From 5/4/03 - 07/2011, all Shadow Operations materials are owned by the Game Masters of Shadow Operations. Starting 08/2011, Gary Gould regains the copyright of Shadow Operations. All orginal content of each game is owned by their prespective Game Masters ©2011. All Rights Reserved. The material on any of these pages may not be copied, stored in machine-readable form, or otherwise reproduced, disseminated, adapted, or used without the written or expressed permission of .those holding the copyrights to the material.

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