Star Trek: Shadow Operations


The Game Master (GM) will set up the missions and the main plots and guide them along, but it will really be the players who develop the story of each sim through their postings to the group. When you post a response you are basically telling what your character is doing, what he or she is thinking, how they are interacting with other players or NPCS (non-player characters). Also, when posting, players are encouraged to expand on subplots begun either by the GM or the other players. Keep in mind that you can interact with the other players in your posts, but please don't make major decisions for your fellow players -- but you are welcome to give the game plot twists or add elements to the ongoing story.

Once all characters have posted, the GM will collect the posts, develop them into one larger post which is edited to flow from one player to the next, then post the collective response to all players. Players are urged to write as much as possible -- preferably twice a week, but no less than once a week so you don't fall behind.


The Star Trek: Shadow Operations - Bravo Squad Elite Force game is designed for frequent player input. Most players will post an average of 2-3 times a week. However, this figure may be unrealistic to those who have a great number of "real life" responsibilities, so players are only required to post ONCE a week (though you may post as many times as you'd like...this is only a minimum guideline).

Any player who does not write for a period of two weeks (14 days), without explanation, will be sent a message reminding them of the once a week requirement. If there is no reply after two more weeks, that character will be placed into temporary NPC (non-player character) status for the existing players to do as they wish. If the player does not return or state his/her intentions within the next month, the player becomes the property of the GM and is either purged from the game or they become a permanent NPC. If you are going to be on vacation, tied up with business, studying for exams, without a computer, or are simply unable to post because of "real life" commitments, please send me an e-mail indicating this and I will waive this rule (though I only need an explanation if you aren't going to post for a week or longer, you don't need to if you're only going to be away a day or two).

This is not meant to be a strongarm tactic, harassment or any other form of pressure...but there are too many players who go weeks and sometimes months without writing a single word. You are simply taking up a position I could fill with someone else who wants to play when you do this. Please, if for no other reason, follow this rule as a courtesy to myself and the other players.


This is the game in a nutshell. Many of the rules for this game may develop as we move along, since to me the most important aspect of playing is having fun! Some rules will be necessary as we progress to keep the game in line, but too many rules would only serve to bog down the game. Two rules I will ask all players to observe is: 1.) Don't make major decisions for other players in your posts; and 2.) No vulgarity ('hell' or 'damn' is OK, but no four-letter words please) or graphic sexual content will be permitted in the posts. Your GM is not easily offended, but keep the other players in mind when posting.

Shadow Operations, command crew characters, and all things Shadow Ops were created and copyrighted by Gary Gould. Anyone interested in joining, please send inquiries to the appropriate game masters of each game.

Star Trek®, Star Trek The Next Generation®, Star Trek Deep Space Nine® and Star Trek Voyager® are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and Viacom. All material found on the pages of this site are for promotional purposes only, and not personal or financial gain. No infringements on their copyrights is intended. This is a Star Trek Fan Site for entertainment purposes only.

Star Trek Shadow Operations was created by Gary Gould who owned the ©1996-2003 until 5/4/03. As of that date, all Shadow Operations materials are owned by the Game Masters of Shadow Operations. All orginal content of Bravo Squad website is ©2015 by Edmund Woo. All Rights Reserved. The material on any of these pages may not be copied, stored in machine-readable form, or otherwise reproduced, disseminated, adapted, or used without the written or expressed permission of those holding the copyrights to the material.

Star Trek Shadow Operations is in no way affiliated or endorsed by any individual, corporation, company, or organization, either represented or not represented on this site.